Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Ethiopian Government App Store

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has published a Government App Store to host different mobil Apps to display and access government services. All the apps that are approved by the government to access information/services from Ministries and Institutions are available to download. The project is  implemented by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Ethiopia.

Mobile Apps Customzed to Ethiopian users

In this paragraph we are introducing some of the Mobile Apps customized to Ethiopian users. The list of the Apps are many but, you can easily find them using the link here. Just to list some of the popular ones:-

  1. Cooking Ethiopian Dishes:-This App is used to guide you how to cook Ethiopian dishes. Currently the number of recipes are few, but planned to include some more in 3 different category. Fasting, non fasting and other. More than 50 menu are introduced. Link here. 
  2. Ethiopian Calendar:- This App can be used  to show the Ethiopian Calendar along with Gregorian calendar. You don't need Amharic Fonts on your devise to use this App. Link here.
  3. Ethiopian Traffic Symbols:- This App can be used to understand the traffic symbols applied in Ethiopia. However, the symbols included in this version are common to most of the Countries in the world. So any body can use it. Here some sample exams are also included. Link here

Ethiopia: Two Years After the Liberalization of Telecoms, Prices have Fallen by 70%

Mobile service costs in Ethiopia are now in line with the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) , falling below...